Reverse engineering the "Animal Jam Classic" protocol
May 2023
What is this project?
Inspired by my friends getting back into the game, this project’s goal was to reverse engineer the kid’s game Animal Jam Classic. The goal was to reverse-engineer and reimplement the client in such a way where actions (like logging in, trading, moving) were done programmatically.
- Reverse Engineering the Electron Frontend: Analyzed and documented the game’s user interface built on Electron, allowing for a better understanding of how the game communicates with its backend services.
- Private Web API Analysis: Explored the private API used for user authentication and CDN downloads.
- TCP Protocol Investigation: Partially reverse engineered the game’s TCP protocol to facilitate communication with game servers, aiming for a better understanding of how player actions are transmitted and processed.
- SWF Flash Runtime Exploration: Delved into the game’s SWF Flash runtime to uncover the underlying logic and structure of game assets, which will inform the creation of a more efficient client.
- Custom Client Development: Initiated the creation of a custom client that integrates the findings from the reverse engineering efforts. This client aims to enhance gameplay through automation and improved functionalities while respecting community guidelines.